A     A  S     S     T     R     R  O     O  L        O     O  G     G

A     A  S           T     R     R  O     O  L        O     O  G

AAAAAAA   SSSSS      T     RRRRRR   O     O  L        O     O  G  GGGG

A     A        S     T     R   R    O     O  L        O     O  G     G

A     A  S     S     T     R    R   O     O  L        O     O  G     G

A     A   SSSSS      T     R     R   OOOOO   LLLLLLL   OOOOO    GGGGG


                         **  VERSION 6.40  **


Release notes for Astrolog version 6.40 (July 2018):

Happy start of Leo everyone! :) This file describes the freeware astrology software program Astrolog version 6.40 and the additions and fixes made to it, over the previous version 6.30 which was released nine months ago in October 2017. The main things in this update are 3D wireframe output (instead of just 2D screen output), HTML output, and many more fixed stars.



Here are new additions to version 6.40 that weren't in previous versions:

1. Wireframe files: Astrolog now supports saving graphics charts in 3D wireframe format. These wireframe files are a vector format similar to Astrolog’s existing PostScript and Windows metafiles, except they’re true 3D models formed of line segments with separate X, Y, and Z coordinates. Such wireframe files can be viewed from different angles, rendered in perspective, and even explored from inside. With the right software and hardware, one could potentially use a 3D printer with an Astrolog wireframe, and have a physical 3D model of your chart! :-) Create wireframe files with the new -X3 command switch, or the “File / Save Wireframe” command in the Windows version.

Most charts in wireframe mode are just lines drawn within a 2D plane, however some Astrolog charts have special wireframe versions of them that are fully 3D. The chart sphere and the globe charts are self-explanatory in wireframe mode since they’re already 3D models. The solar system orbit chart plots the planets in 3D space, in which the inclinations of the orbits above or below the ecliptic can be seen. In all wireframe charts, planet glyphs are in the horizontal plane (so they’re best seen looked down on from above) and the points where planets actually are located are marked with small wireframe diamonds.

More specifically, Astrolog produces wireframe files in the Daedalus wireframe format. That is a plain text file format listing the numeric coordinates of each line segment, which is simple enough to be edited by hand or converted to other 3D formats. The easiest way to view and work with Daedalus wireframe files is by loading them into Daedalus, a graphics program by the same author. See for more about the program Daedalus. Note that Daedalus versions 3.2 and before only support monochrome wireframes, so Astrolog needs to be in monochrome mode (-Xm switch off) in order for older versions of Daedalus to be able to properly parse the Astrolog generated wireframe file. For an example of Astrolog generated wireframe files rendered in Daedalus, see this video:

2. HTML files: Astrolog now supports saving text charts in HTML format. This is useful in order to transfer Astrolog text into other programs with color formatting intact. Turn this feature on with the new -kh switch, or in the Windows version there’s a new checkbox “Export Text Files In HTML Format” in the Display Settings dialog. When this setting is on, in the Windows version the “Save Chart Text Output” command will produce HTML format files instead of plain text files, and the “Copy Chart Text Output” command will put “HTML Format” content on the Windows clipboard. Note that Web pages have a white background by default, which means that output will appear similar to Astrolog screen text when the reverse background setting (-Xr switch) is on. That means white text will be black in the HTML file, and light gray text will appear dark gray and vice versa.

3. Numerous stars: Astrolog now supports displaying thousands of stars in its graphics charts. Show them with the new -XU switch, or in the Windows version with the new “Graphics / Show Map Effects / Show All Stars” menu command. These extra stars will appear in the chart sphere, graphic local horizon chart, and constellation map charts. Unlike the actual 47 fixed star objects that Astrolog has supported for many versions, these extra stars aren’t labeled, and can’t be individually restricted. In the Windows version and when saved to wireframe files they will be colored different shades of dark or light gray according to their brightness in the night sky. In contexts with a limited color palette these extra stars will all be dark gray. These stars are the complete set of stars from the Swiss Ephemeris file sefstars.txt that comes with Astrolog. Altogether there are 1122 stars total by default, and when displayed they allow one to see constellations in the sky such as the Big Dipper.

4. New house systems: Astrolog supports three new systems of house division. In the Windows version all three of these systems can be selected with new menu commands on the “House System” submenu.

Horizon houses: Sometimes called “Azimuth”, this system has the 10th cusp the same as the MC, however it disassociates the 1st cusp from the Ascendant. (Meridian houses has this property too.) On the command line, Horizon houses can be accessed with “-c 17”.

APC houses: More fully called “Ascendant Parallel Circle”, this is a quadrant based system, however it has the interesting property that non-angular cusps aren’t always 180 degrees opposite each other. On the command line, APC houses can be accessed with “-c 18”.

Carter Poli Equatorial: Invented by astrologer Charles Carter (1887-1968), this system has the 1st cusp the same as the Ascendant, however it disassociates the 10th cusp from the MC. On the command line, Carter houses can be accessed with “-c 19”.

5. 3D orbs: Astrolog has a new option for 3D orbs. Most astrologers and astrology software only look at a planet’s zodiac longitude, and ignore any latitude, when determining whether an aspect is within orb. When 3D orbs are on, they will prevent an aspect from appearing if the 3D great circle distance between the pair of planets is out of orb. That means turning 3D orbs on may cause certain aspects to no longer be present, especially involving objects that can have very different latitudes, such as asteroids and fixed stars. For example, a Conjunction between two planets both exactly at 15Libra longitude won’t be flagged if their latitudes are different by more than the orb for the Conjunction aspect. Turn on 3D orbs with the new -Ap switch, or in the Windows version with the new “3D Orbs” checkbox in the “Calculation Settings” dialog.

6. Dwads: Astrolog supports dwads. Turn on a dwad transformation of planet positions with the new -4 switch, or in the Windows version with the new “Show Dwads” command on the “House Settings” submenu. Dwads divide each sign into 12 subsigns, similar to the 12th harmonic, however unlike simple harmonics each subsequence starts with the current sign. Dwads can be nested multiple levels deep, similar to a fractal: The -4 switch takes an optional parameter indicating how many nestings to apply.

7. Show equator: This new setting allows Earth’s equator to be displayed in graphics charts. Turn on showing the equator with the new -Xe switch, or in the Windows version with the new “Show Equator” command on the “Show Map Effects” submenu. The equator can be displayed in the graphic local horizon chart, along with in the chart sphere, world map, and globe displays. Note that in local horizon charts and chart spheres, the equator line always passes through the East and West points (i.e. where the prime vertical intersects the horizon).

8. Show house details: This new setting controls whether house boundaries are displayed in graphics charts, or it toggles the display of various details related to houses. Turn on showing house extras with the new -XC switch, or in the Windows version with the new “Show House Details” command on the “Show Map Effects” submenu. This setting affects different graphics charts in different ways:

Local horizon and chart spheres: Whether house boundaries are drawn. Note these can be either 3D or 2D house boundaries, depending on whether the 3D houses setting is active.

Solar system orbit: Whether sign boundaries are drawn.

Maps and globes: Whether sign boundaries and the ecliptic are drawn.

Wheel charts: Whether a dotted line is drawn from planets in outer wheels to the innermost wheel. Even for the common single wheel chart this setting has a minor effect, and determines whether the dots for each planet are larger.

9. Barycentric positions: Astrolog supports barycentric charts, which has positions relative to the solar system barycenter, or the solar system’s center of mass. Barycentric is similar to heliocentric charts centered around the Sun, however the solar system barycenter will vary from the Sun’s position based on the positions of the planets (especially Jupiter which is the most massive). The solar system barycenter ranges from inside the Sun’s body to about one Sun radius from it. Turn on barycentric positions with the new -Yh switch, or in the Windows version with the new “Show Solar System Barycenter Instead of Sun” command in the “Calculation Settings” dialog. For geocentric charts, this setting will make the Sun’s position be the barycenter instead of the Sun itself, which can affect its position in geocentric charts by up to half a degree. In heliocentric charts, all positions will be relative to the barycenter instead of to the Sun.

10. Graphic orbit trails: The graphic solar system orbit chart allows remembering and displaying multiple locations of each planet. This allows animating the chart over time, in which each planet has a trail behind it showing its movement along its orbit. The new -YXj switch determines how many positions are remembered, and each new display of the chart in which planet locations are different will append their locations to the current set of trails. The locations are stored as coordinates in space relative to the central object, which means the screen can be resized and the viewing scale changed and the orbit trails will move accordingly, however actions like switching to or from heliocentric will cause planets to appear to jump. Change this setting to 0 to turn the feature off and remove the current set of trails.

Orbit trails are supported in the new 3D wireframe file output, and the trails will be connected lines instead of just dots in the wireframe scene. The new -YXj0 switch allows setting the vertical offset for each subsequent section of trail. The result will be the orbit trails forming a helix instead of just a circle over time, which allows interesting animation effects such as the entire solar system appearing to move through space over time. For an example animation of this type of wireframe file, see the video:

11. Orbit chart size: The graphic solar system orbit chart covers a given amount of space measured in Astronomical Units (AU). Usually this size is automatically determined by the glyph character scale setting (-Xs switch). The new -YXS switch allows one to specifically set the radius size in AU, which is useful if one wants a wider or more focused view than the default. If this size is 0, then the graphic orbit chart will be automatically sized as before.

12. Aspect sorting method: The text mode aspect list chart (displayed with the -a switch, or the “Aspect List” menu command in the Windows version) can now sort the aspects it displays by several different methods. This applies both to the single chart and relationship comparison versions of the display. The -a switch can be followed by seven different subswitch characters:

-aj: Sort by power. High total power aspects appear earlier, and lower power later. This is the default, and was the only option in previous versions.

-ao: Sort by orb. Narrow orbs appear earlier and wider orbs later. This only considers the “magnitude” of the orb, and will intersperse applying and separating orbs among each other.

-an: Sort by orb difference. This considers the “sign” of the orb, and will place all applying orbs or angles less than the aspect size before all separating orbs or angles more than the aspect size.

-aO: Sort by planet. More specifically sort by the first planet listed, and within each planet sort by the second planet listed.

-aA: Sort by aspect. Within each aspect, sort by planets as with the -aO method.

-aC: Sort by zodiac position of the first planet listed.

-am: Sort by midpoint of the two planets’ zodiac positions.

13. Ephemeris step rate: The text mode ephemeris chart can specify the step rate for ephemeris output. The new -E0 switch is like the existing -E switch, except it takes an extra parameter specifying the “step rate” factor of how often to display times. By default the ephemeris chart displays times once per day, however it can also be a given number of days, months, or years. The extra parameter should have the prefix “m” for a step rate in months, “y” for a step rate in years, and “d” (or nothing) for a step rate in days. For example, “-E0 d2” will display positions every other day, “-Ey0 m3” will display positions once every three months, and “-EY0 1000 y10” will display positions once every ten years. Slower ephemeris step rates are useful when displaying very slow moving objects, such as fixed stars in the tropical zodiac or planetary nodes.

14. Degree change times: The transit to transit times search (displayed with the -d switch) can now include planetary crossovers into a new degree. This is similar to the existing feature of the chart which shows planetary crossovers into a new sign. The new -YRd switch determines how many sections to divide each sign into, when checking for a planet crossing into a new section. Only if this setting is greater than one will it introduce new events in to the transit times list. For example, setting it to 2 will divide each sign into two halves and display when planets transit the 15 degree mark of each sign, setting to 3 will divide each sign into three pieces and display when planets cross the 10 and 20 degree marks, 30 will display when planets cross each degree, and so on.

15. Graph all planets: In the Windows version, the “Transits” dialog includes a new checkbox “Graphs Include All Planets”. This affects the transit to natal graph and transit to transit graph charts, and causes them to not autorestrict certain fast moving planets. This provides Windows version access to the same functionality as the -B0 and -V0 subswitches.

16. Aspect renaming: Astrolog can change the name of aspects, or what strings are used to display them in charts. This feature is best used if one customizes an aspect’s angle to a new value, to completely replace one aspect with another. The new -YAD switch takes four parameters: The aspect to rename, and then three strings for the aspect’s new name, the aspect’s new three letter abbreviation, and a description of the aspect’s glyph. Note that renaming aspects only changes how they’re displayed in charts, which means command switches still need to refer to the aspect by its default name.

17. Aspect glyph redefinition: Astrolog can change the glyphs used to display aspects in graphics charts. The -YXA switch takes three parameters: The aspect index to rename, and two strings which contain the small and large definitions to use for the aspect’s glyph. Aspect glyph definitions work the same as with the existing -YXD switch used to redefine planet glyphs.

18. Custom planet custom settings: The -Ye switch which allows one to redefine planets to be different objects has been extended to allow the custom objects to have different settings from the default. For example, this feature can allow displaying the true node alongside the mean node and check for aspects between them, or plot how the Sun’s position changes over time relative to the solar system barycenter. The -Ye switch can be ended with six different subswitch characters:

-YeH: Toggle the heliocentric setting of the customized object (-h switch).

-YeS: Toggle the sidereal zodiac setting of the customized object (-s switch).

-YeB: Toggle the barycentric setting of the customized object (-Yh switch).

-YeN: Toggle the true node setting of the customized object (-Yn switch).

-YeT: Toggle the true positions setting of the customized object (-YT switch).

-YeV: Toggle the topocentric positions setting of the customized object (-YV switch).

19. Wireframe autosave: The Windows version of Astrolog can automatically generate and save Daedalus wireframe files as new graphics charts are displayed. The new -Wo3 switch is just like the -Wo switch, except that a wireframe file instead of a bitmap will be automatically generated and saved to file. The program Daedalus can be configured to automatically open and display such files. If Astrolog is animating the chart, then the wireframe rendered in Daedalus will be animating in the same manner, which allows creating videos such as:


Here's a summary of the 18 new command switches in Astrolog 6.40 that weren't in previous versions:

-a[jonOACm]: Sort by power, orb, diff, planet, aspect, pos, midpoint.

-E[]0 <step>: Display ephemeris times for days, months, or years.

-Ap: Orb limits apply to latitude as well as zodiac position.

-4 [<nest>]: Display objects in their (nested) dwad positions.

-kh: Text charts saved to file use HTML instead of Ansi codes.

-X3: Create Daedalus wireframe vector file instead of bitmap.

-Xe: Draw Earth's equator in certain charts.

-XU: Draw all stars from sefstars.txt file in certain charts.

-XC: Draw house boundaries or alternate info in certain charts.

-Wo3: Autosave graphics screen to wireframe instead of bitmap.

-Yh: Compute location of solar system barycenter instead of Sun.

-Ye[..]HSBNTV <obj> <index>: Toggle heliocentric, sidereal zodiac, barycentric, true node, true position, or topocentric for object.

-YRd <div>: Set divisions within signs to search for degree changes.

-YAD <asp> <name> <abbrev> <glyph>: Customize display names of aspect.

-YXA <asp> <string1> <string2>: Customize glyphs for aspect.

-YXS <au>: Set radius of graphic solar system orbit chart.

-YXj <num>: Set number of graphic orbit trails to remember.

-YXj0 <step>: Set vertical step rate for graphic orbit trails.

Here's a summary of the 9 new menu commands in the Windows version of Astrolog 6.40 that weren't in previous versions:

File / Save Chart Wireframe…

Edit / Copy Chart Wireframe

Setting / House System / A.P.C.

Setting / House System / Horizon

Setting / House System / Carter P.Equat.

Setting / House Settings / Show Dwads

Graphics / Show Map Effects / Show Equator

Graphics / Show Map Effects / Show All Stars

Graphics / Show Map Effects / Show House Details



A list of improvements to existing features in Astrolog 6.40, such as new things you can now do with old features that you couldn’t do before, or ways existing features work better than before:

1. Swiss Ephemeris update: Astrolog 6.40 has upgraded to Swiss Ephemeris version 2.07.01. In the Windows version, in the “Calculation Settings” dialog, the “Calculation Method” dropdown now indicates the Swiss Ephemeris version in use. The newest Swiss Ephemeris has various subtle improvements, such as a slight accuracy adjustment in the positions of fixed stars.

2. 3D house transits: Astrolog now supports 3D house ingress, and can display when planets change 3D houses. The transit to natal times search (-t switch) will display when planets change 3D houses, if the 3D houses setting is on (-c3 switch). Restricting a house cusp object will prevent display of planets entering the corresponding 3D house, and turning on the restrict sign change events in searches setting (-YR0 switch) will prevent the display of all 3D house events.

3. 2D house boundaries: The graphic local horizon and chart sphere displays have the ability to highlight house boundaries in 2D (as well as in 3D which was supported before). The 3D houses setting will toggle whether these charts show 3D house boundaries, or classic 2D house boundaries. 2D house boundaries share the same “poles” as the zodiac itself, and the size of each house’s “orange wedge” will be determined by the house system in effect. In contrast, 3D house boundaries are anchored to the North and South points on the local horizon, and are always equal sized “orange wedges”. Toggling the 3D houses setting while viewing the display is an easy way to visualize the difference between 2D and 3D houses. Showing 2D or 3D houses assumes that houses boundaries are being shown in the first place, which is toggled by the Show House Details command (-XC switch).

4. Chart sphere constellations: The chart sphere display supports the astronomical constellations, and will display them upon the surface of the sphere if the Show Constellations setting (-XF switch) is on.

5. Globe mouse dragging: In the Windows version, you can click and drag with the right mouse button to rotate various graphics charts. The chart sphere and globe displays can be rotated and well as tilted. Also, the world map and polar globe displays can be rotated back and forth along their single axis.

6. Parallel aspects expanded: The transit to transit times search (-d switch) and the transit to natal times search (-t switch) now support parallel aspects. They will list parallel aspects and when parallel transits happen (instead of working with standard aspects) if the parallel aspects setting is on.

7. Graphic orbit aspects: The graphic solar system orbit chart can now display aspect lines between the planets. The aspects present will be with respect to the central body, and will be the same aspects as seen in the aspect grid or in the middle of a wheel chart. The display of these aspects can be toggled with the Show Equator command (-Xe switch).

8. Graphic orbit signs: The graphic solar system orbit chart will now label the zodiac signs, with sign glyphs around the outside edge of the chart. These glyphs and the lines to mark the sign boundaries can be toggled with the Show House Details command (-XC switch).

9. Bi-sphere charts: A bi-sphere is like a bi-wheel, but for a 3D chart sphere instead of just a 2D wheel chart. When Astrolog is showing two, three, or four charts at once, then the chart sphere will now overlay all sets of planets upon the sphere, instead of just showing the first set of planets.

10. Tri-wheel highlighting: Tri and quad-wheel charts will now highlight the space between the different planet rings. The rings between wheels will be dark green circles. This color can be customized, or set to black to remove the highlighting altogether and reproduce how previous versions displayed tri-wheels.

11. Graphic ephemeris addition: The monthly graphic ephemeris chart and the esoteric Ray ephemeris chart will draw a horizontal line indicating the day and time of day. Before this line would only be drawn in the yearly chart.

12. Transit to natal graph addition: The transit to natal graph chart (-V switch) will now draw a vertical line indicating the transit day and transiting time of day. For example, when transiting over the current month (-Vn switch) there will be a green line or vertical bar text characters indicating the column of time corresponding to the current moment. Before this line would only be drawn in the transit to transit graph chart (-B switch).

13. Moon void of course: The transit to transit times search (-d switch) will now indicate when the Moon goes void of course. The Moon is void of course (v/c) between the time of the last aspect it makes and when it enters the next sign. The last aspect the Moon makes will be marked as the Moon going void of course, along with how long the Moon is void of course before it enters the next sign. There are different ways to measure the “last aspect” the Moon makes, and for flexibility Astrolog simply bases it on which aspects and planets are unrestricted. Note the Moon going void of course won’t be detected if a Moon aspect event isn’t displayed some time before a Moon sign change event in the list. That means the Moon and sign changes need to be unrestricted, in order for void of course periods to be seen.

14. Transit graph header: The transit graph charts (both transit to transit and transit to natal, and both text and graphics versions) will now print the day, month, or year covered by the graph in the upper left corner. This of course makes it easier to see what information the chart is showing.

15. Transit to natal addition: In the transit to natal chart (-t switch) the day of the week will be shown next to each event’s date, if the Show Nearest Second setting (-b0 switch) is set.

16. Required object expanded: The required object setting (-RO switch) will restrict events in more charts. It will affect the aspect configurations included after the text mode aspect grid (-g0 switch). Also, it will affect which midpoints included in the midpoint list (-m switch), although it won’t restrict which aspects are displayed to those midpoints (-ma switch).

17. Autosize text wheel: The text mode wheel chart rows setting can now accept the number 0, which means to automatically size to cover the house with the largest number of objects in it. Houses will be printed with at least 4 rows, and won’t autosize until a 5th object is present in a house. (This setting is the parameter to the -w switch, or the “Text House Wheel Rows” setting in the “Chart Settings” dialog in the Windows version.) Without autosizing, houses that become full of objects will overflow and cause additional objects to be displayed in the next house.

18. Modify astro-graph: In the Windows version, the Modify Chart command (“0” hotkey) will now also toggle the horizontal line in the graphic astro-graph chart (-L0 switch).

19. White text background: In the Windows version, the Reverse Background setting now affects text mode charts in addition to graphics charts. This allows text charts to be displayed on a white background if one prefers.



A few changes that aren't new feature additions or bug fixes have been made to Astrolog 6.40, which means certain old assumptions are no longer valid. Most can be considered improvements, but they still change existing behavior. A list of these follows (which aren't useful to be aware of unless you have used previous versions of the program):

1. Show houses interface: Chart spheres and graphic local horizon charts used to show house boundaries based on the 3D houses setting (-c3 switch). These charts now show house boundaries when the new show house details setting is on (-XC switch).

2. Universal Time Code: Astrolog now prefers to label times as being in UTC (Universal Time Code) as opposed to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). This is display text only, and has no effect on positions or times. UTC is a more modern and precisely defined label than GMT.

3. Show Constellations moved: In the Windows version, the “Show Constellations” menu command has been moved to the new “Show Map Effects” submenu. Showing constellations is more a setting that can be applied to different charts (such as chart spheres, globe displays, and map displays) as opposed to a separate chart of its own.

4. Yearly searching divisions: Transit to transit event searches over an entire year or years (-dy switch) used to always internally use a searching divisions value of 1. This was done for performance so it didn’t take too long to run. However, this was a bit limited for faster computers, especially if one wanted the full accuracy and was willing to potentially wait for it. These searches will now instead just divide searching divisions by 10. That means a searching divisions parameter of 100 used for a yearly search will be equivalent to a searching divisions parameter of 10 used for a monthly search.

5. Wheel text centered: The text mode wheel chart (-w switch) will now center the lines of information describing the chart. Before this information would always be placed at the top of the area in the middle of the chart, regardless of how many rows were available. Note that blank rows surrounding the information in the middle of the chart only become visible when the text chart wheel rows setting is greater than four.



Here are bugs or other issues with version 6.30, all of which have been corrected in this release:

1. Star offset inaccuracy: Fixed star longitudes would ignore the zodiac offset (ayanamsa) and always assume it was set to 0.

2. Heliocentric star inaccuracy: Fixed stars would always have their geocentric positions computed, even if heliocentric were in effect. This difference is very small, but stars do move slightly between geocentric and heliocentric, based on the parallax effect produced by Earth orbiting around the Sun.

3. Uranian omission: If the calculation method was set to the old Placalc ephemeris, then Uranians wouldn’t be computed even if unrestricted, and would be set to 0Aries.

4. Parallel aspect bug: Parallel aspects would be incorrectly included and displayed as Contraparallel, if Parallel aspects (i.e. Conjunctions) were restricted. This would also happen if Parallel aspects (i.e. Conjunctions) were set to have an orb less than Contraparallel, in which case Parallel aspects in the orb difference would be incorrectly displayed as Contraparallel.

5. Parallel aspect interpretation bug: Interpretations of parallel aspects would label the aspects as Conjunction and Opposition, instead of Parallel and Contraparallel.

6. Parallel aspect help: When Parallel Aspects was on, the List Aspects table (-HA switch) would only change the abbreviation of Conjunction and Opposition. Now the list will fully show the parallel aspects (including the description of their glyphs) when they’re turned on.

7. Chart information bug: In the Windows version, the “Charts #3 and #4” command would initialize the name and location strings in charts #2 and higher incorrectly, with the name and location from chart slot #1. Also, pressing the “Now” or “Previous” buttons in any chart information dialog would duplicate the entries in the Daylight, Zone, and location fields.

8. Aspect list omission: The Aspect List charts (-a switch) would skip over displaying aspects with a negative total power. Aspects can have negative number powers now (which can be produced if various influence numbers are customized to be negative).

9. Transit graph year bug: The text mode transit to natal graph when applied to a five year period (-VY switch) would incorrectly graph the years around the natal year, instead of the transiting years. Both the text and graphics mode transit to natal graph when applied to a five year period would incorrectly label the graph with natal years (even though the graphics version would at least show the correct data, even though labeled wrong).

10. Transit graph restrictions: In the transit to natal graph chart, automatic restrictions of fast moving objects (-V switch, with -V0 off) would apply those restrictions to the natal chart, when instead they should be applied to the transiting chart.

11. Transit graph progressions: Transit graphs would only ever graph transit to natal aspects, and never progressed to natal aspects. The -Bp and -Vp subswitches would be ignored, as would the “Progress Instead Of Transit” checkbox in the Windows version when applied to these charts.

12. Transit and natal relationship bug: The transit and natal comparison relationship chart (-rt switch) should set the velocity for all natal planets to 0, so aspects show whether transits to natal planes are applying or separating correctly. Instead this chart was treating velocities the same as in a standard bi-wheel.

13. Transit event warning: It’s possible for transit event searches (-d and -t switches) to have too many events per time period. This condition requires having many objects unrestricted combined with a short searching divisions setting. Before extra events would be silently ignored, but now an appropriate warning message will be displayed.

14. Astro-graph display glitch: In the graphic astro-graph chart, if the chart was rotated any, then the dot for the current location would be displayed incorrectly, as if the map wasn’t rotated.

15. Chart sphere glitch: While a window is up, attempting to orient a chart sphere so that it’s being viewed head on, with both rotation and tilt angles exactly 0 degrees, would always snap a few degrees away from that orientation.

16. Aspect help limitation: The -HA switch (or the “List Aspects” command in the Windows version) would round orbs to the nearest degree. Fractional aspects would still work correctly in actual charts, however this informational list would be misleading.

17. General help glitch: The -HI switch (or the “List General Meanings” command in the Windows version) to display how Astrolog interprets signs, planets, and such, wouldn’t apply the column width to header lines of text. If the text column width was narrow enough, then headers would always be displayed on a single line, instead of continued on the next line.

18. Interpretation customization typo: In interpretation text, the “Fortune” object is displayed with its full name “Part of Fortune”, and similarly the asteroid “Pallas” is displayed with its full name “Pallas Athena”. If one used the -YD switch to change the name of an object, it would still have “Part of” or “Pallas” prefixed to it. These prefixes will now only be added when the name hasn’t been customized.

19. Interpretation hang: Displaying text mode interpretation lines would hang, if a single word was wider than the column width. Producing this bug would require customizing interpretation strings to include a very long word, combined with making the column width less than the length of that word.

20. Keep square limitation: The ensure square charts remain square setting (-XQ switch) wouldn’t work right if the text size setting (-XS switch) was set to more than 100%.

21. X11 icon display: Astrolog’s icon in the X Windows version (a rainbow over an eye) would display as garbage pixels on certain systems.

22. X11 bitmap bug: Saving X11 bitmap format files from PC versions would produce malformed files with bad line breaks, and that usually included illegal characters in the C code fragment, which would make it not suitable for display by the Unix xsetroot command.

23. Progressed time parameter: The -pt switch to progress to a particular time of day didn’t the parse time parameter correctly. It would parse it as an integer number, which would ignore anything after a colon and ignore any am/pm suffix.

24. Progression bug: For command line only versions of Astrolog, running a macro would corrupt the progression date, time, and location, replacing them with zero or other values.

25. Macro string bug: Command lines within macros that set string parameters wouldn’t remember those strings correctly. For example, a macro that calls the -zj switch to set the default chart name and location, would result in garbage being displayed for that name and location instead.

26. 3D houses command line: For command line only versions of Astrolog, 3D house positions produced with the -c3 switch would be inaccurate, because the wrong latitude would be used for the chart’s location. This would be prevented if any macro ran before the chart was computed.

27. Compiler error: Attempting to compile Astrolog with the old Matrix formulas excluded (with #define MATRIX commented out) would produce a compiler error.



IMPORTANT NOTICE: Astrolog and all chart display routines and anything not enumerated below used in this program are Copyright (C) 1991-2018 by Walter D. Pullen (, Permission is granted to freely use, modify, and distribute these routines provided these credits and notices remain unmodified with any altered or distributed versions of the program.

The main ephemeris databases and calculation routines are from the library SWISS EPHEMERIS and are programmed and copyright 1997-2008 by Astrodienst AG. The use of that source code is subject to the license for the Swiss Ephemeris Free Edition, available at This copyright notice must not be changed or removed by any user of this program.

Additional ephemeris databases and formulas are from the calculation routines in the program PLACALC and are programmed and Copyright (C) 1989,1991,1993 by Astrodienst AG and Alois Treindl ( The use of that source code is subject to regulations made by Astrodienst Zurich, and the code is not in the public domain. This copyright notice must not be changed or removed by any user of this program.

The original planetary calculation routines used in this program have been copyrighted and the initial core of this program was mostly a conversion to C of the routines created by James Neely as listed in 'Manual of Computer Programming for Astrologers', by Michael Erlewine, available from Matrix Software.

The PostScript code within the core graphics routines are programmed and Copyright (C) 1992-1993 by Brian D. Willoughby (

More formally: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful and inspiring, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details, a copy of which is in the LICENSE.HTM file included with Astrolog, and at


*       Walter D. "Cruiser1" Pullen :)       !       *

O  Astrolog 6.40 homepage:  O

* "Who am I, What am I?  As I am, I am not.  But as we are, I AM.  And to *

O you my creation, My Perfect Love is your Perfect Freedom. And I will be O

* with you forever and ever, until the End, and then forever more." - GOD *